One Tiny Step

Huberman Lab - Motivation and Drive

September 27, 2021

These are notes from Andrew Huberman’s podcast on How to Increase Motivation & Drive

- Dopamine

  • The evolutionary purpose of dopamine is to motivate you to do what serves your genes.
  • Dopamine is responsible for both motivation and movement towards it.
  • Adrenaline/epinephrine creates a bias for action.
  • Motivation -> balancing pleasure and pain.
  • When we become excited about something in an anticipatory way -> Dopamine increases -> creating a desire to move in the direction of the thing we are craving.
  • By anticipating it narrows down our focus towards that particular thing (making it the most important thing).

- Pain

  • By repeated action towards a certain thing, after you get achieve it, there is a low-level sense of pain (manifesting as craving to do it again).
  • Over time the pleasure you derive from it decreases, and the craving (pain) keeps increasing.
  • Dopamine isn’t as much about pleasure, as much as it about motivation & desire to pursue more in order to reduce the amount of pain.

Missing a lover, craving your favourite food, can’t access your drug. The craving you have in these situations manifests itself as physical pain.

The cycle of desensitization mimics other addictions:

bingeing→ cravings→ numbed pleasure response→ cravings→ bingeing escalates→ further decline in dopamine, opioids and their receptors→ further desensitization…

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  • Desire ∝ how pleasureful it is to indulge in it.
  • Desire ∝ how much pain you experience when you don’t have it.


  • Serotonin - molecule of bliss & contentment for what you already have.
  • Dopamine - makes you strive for things which you don’t have.
  • Marijuana/ Opiods hit the serotonin system, which makes people lethargic -> content with where they are.
  • Balance between serotonin & dopamine is required to experience life properly. Being in the here & now, and also making progress towards things you don’t have.

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Two types

  • enjoy stress when the deadline is close -> have heightened sense of focus. Have bias for action. Leverage internal stress.
  • genuinely don’t have enough dopamine release -> can take help of supplements


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  • Prolactin -> causes lethargy, lack of desire to move. lack of desire to pursue more of whatever released the dopamine.
  • Vitamin B6 and Zinc are fairly potent prolactin inhibitor.
  • Refactory period is shorter if novelty (newer mates), are brought in. (Coolidge effect)

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Dopamine scheduling

  • After achieving some major feat, the prolactin level drops. We often ask ourselves the question of What next?. (Post-Satisfaction “Lows”)
  • When on a long-term goal, don’t celebrate early and allow that offset to kick-in. Extend the arc of dopamine release.
Occasionally remove rewards from your milestones. Blunt your reward response for some of the intermediate goals to avoid the crash.

Reward prediction error

  • If we thing something might happen, and it doesn’t happen there is a big crash in dopamine levels. (Almost like a punishment)
  • The single most effective thing to increase dopamine levels is surprise.

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Impact of screen time

  • Exposure to light/screen time between 10pm - 4am, reduces our capacity to release dopamine.


Found more resources while deep diving into dopamine.


Personal Blog by Lawliet
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